068-520146 cycnpl@gmail.com

List of Ongoing Programs


S. N.

Name of the Program Main Activities Project Area Supporting agency


Micro Finance Program


·        Selection of participants through PRA,

·        Formation of group,

·        Establishment of community Centers,

·         Identification of Requirement & loan Investment Training

·        Women’s capacity development training.

67 districts of Nepal RMDC, Nepal Rastra Bank, CYC Nepal


Yuwa Aakash Tatha Sumarg Program

·        Lobbying & Advocacy for youth development

·        Formulation of Creative Youth Center

·        Formulation/capacity building of youth clubs

·        Motivation to youth from rewards like exposure visit.

·        Cooperation, coordination for youth development

·        Establishment youth parliament

·        Formulation youth development

Dhawalagiri zone.




Quality Education Program

·        Financial support to teachers for quality education to poor, vulnerable and dalit.

·        Awareness of Financial Literacy for 10 school’s students.

·        Lobby and advocacy for quality education.

·        Exposure visit to teachers

·        Read from learn and Read from work.

·        Kalilai Ma Uthamshilata


·        Supports education materials for Bal Bikas Kendra.

Baglung district CYC Nepal


CYC with Community Program

·        Supports of stretcher, disaster kit, health campaign. Baglung district CYC Nepal


Women Empowerment and Capacity Building Program

·        Formulation of women coordination committee

·        Awareness for equal work for equal wages.

·        Awareness program for women issues like 16 days program

·        Formulation sister club

·        Organize women celebration day.

Baglung Municipality

Galkote Municipality

Badigadh Rural Municipality

CYC Nepal


Sustainable and Decentralization Agriculture Program

·        Promote commercial agriculture farming and livestock.

·        Develop pocket areas of mass production.

·        Establish/promote farming in tunnel.

·        Promote organic farming system.

·        Establish CYC Seed Store.

·        Mobilize of farmers for production.

·        Establish/Promote compost pit.

·        Distribute mini seed kit and equipment kit

·        Establish nursery.

Baglung Municipality

Badigadh Rural Municipality

Jaimini Municpality

Baryang Rural Municipality

CYC Nepal


Health and Sanitation Program

·        Promote and establish toilet.

·        Regular support for ODF.

·        Campaign on sanitation and health.

·        Organize of sanitation day celebration

Baglung Municipality CYC Nepal


Dalit Empowerment Program

·        Capacity building and campaigning for dalit rights

·        Develop model village especially dalit focus.

Baglung Municipality CYC Nepal


CYC with Mother and Farther Program

·        Donation optical glass for old age people.

·        Establishment for senior citizen.

·        Rewards for best old age people for respecting sister in law.

·        Support for health services.

·        Distribute CYC strict for old age people.

Baglung Municipality CYC Nepal


Reproductive Health & Vultures Women Support Program

·        Coordination with FCHV for capacity building.

·        Support for quality health services.

·        Reduce child birth rate.

Baglung Municipality CYC Nepal


Vocational and Skill Development Training Program

·        Organize training of enterprise development training.

·        Coordination for soft loan for potential entrepreneurs.

·        Support skillful entrepreneurs for entrepreneurship.

Baglung Municipality CYC Nepal


Small Grant Program

·        Support for encoring training.

·        Support for emergency support (need based)

Baglung Municipality CYC Nepal


Cooperative Promotion Program

·        Support for cooperative promotion and institute development Nepal CYC Nepal


Tourism and Model Village Program

·        Develop model village on establishment CYC Nepal.

·        Construction eco trails

Baglung Municipality CYC Nepal


Cooperation and Partnership Program

·        Coordination with related donor agency and line agency for grant. Nepal CYC Nepal


Time Contribution and Management Program

·        Promotion for time contribution Baglung Municipality CYC Nepal


Volunteer Work Program

·        Plantation, Campaign, Issues based advocacy, support, maintenance of old constructions, celebration, CYC establish day celebration, education support, blood donation,  etc.. Baglung Municipality CYC Nepal

उत्पादनमा हौसला मिलेको छ

चारतारे युवा क्लव नेपालले पछिल्लो समयम बागलुङ लगायत अन्य जिल्लामा लघुवित्त मार्फत ग्रामिण क्षेत्रका गरेको कार्य सहनिय छ । लक्षित वर्गलाई गाँउ—गाँउ पुगेर वित्तिय क्षेत्रको वारेमा जानकारी गराउदँदैै स्वरोजगार गराउने विषयमा महत्वपुर्ण भुमिका निर्वाह गरेको छ । ग्रामिण क्षेत्रमा रहेका महिलाहरु जो आर्थिक रुपमा विपन्न छन्,उनिहरुले चाहेर पनि ठूला बैङ्क र सहकारीमार्फत ऋण पाउन सक्दैनन् । त्यस्तो समस्यालाई लघुवित्त मार्फत आफ्नै गाँउ घरमा वचत गर्दै आयआर्जनमा लगाउने लघुवित्तको उदेश्य भएकोले सो वर्गका मानिसलाई ठुलो सहयोग पुगेको छ । जसका कारण उनिहरुमा आयआर्जनमा मात्र नभएर क्षमता विकासमा पनि सहयोग पु¥याएको पाएको छु । लघुवित्तले महिलाहरुलाई मात्र नभएर निम्न वर्गमा समुदायलाई समेत समेटेर उत्पादनमा हौसला मिल्नुका साथै कर्जा पाउन समेत समस्या नहुने भएकाले छोटो समयमा नै यसको प्रभाव वढेको छ । संस्थाले अझै लघुवित्त नपुगेको ग्रामिण क्षेत्रमा आफ्नो कार्यक्षेत्र विस्तार गर्न जरुरि छ । राज्यले पनि उत्पादनको क्षेत्र र लघुवित्तलाई प्रर्वधन गर्नका लागि प्रभावकारी नीति ल्याउन जरुरी छ । म संविधान सभाको सदस्य भएको हैसियतले न्युन वर्ग र ग्रामिण क्षेत्रको उत्थान र विकासका लागि सहयोग पुग्ने नीति निर्माणमा सक्रिय रहनेछु,राज्यले गर्ने काम चारतारे युवा क्लव नेपालले गर्दै गएकोमा धन्यवाद संगै प्रगतिको कामना समेत गर्दछु ।