068-520146 cycnpl@gmail.com

Vision, Mission, Goal & Objectives


Socially and economically sound, educated, healthy and self-reliance society with optimum utilization and mobilization of human resources.


  • Social and Economic upliftment of the downtrodden people.
  • Strengthening skills and capacity of Community Based Organization (CBO) and Local Non-Government Organization (LNGO)
  • Endeavour to bring improvement in the public health by organizing the Community Development Programs and Reproductive Health by coordinating with other organization
  • Institutional and sustainable development through the optimum mobilization and management of local    resources in co-ordination with Government, INGOs and others.


  • Creating all possible situation and opportunities for motivation, self-dependency and empowerment.
  • Keeping knowledge, skills and attitudes flexible to match the current national and international development trend, practices and challenges.
  • Attempt for sustainable development through participatory development approach by social mobilization and networking with Nepal Government (NG) and INGOs for sustainable and institutional development.
  • Assist the national policy to reduce the high child and Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) through the community mobilization programs.


  • Promote public awareness and social development through community education process.
  • Emphasis on programs related to women empowerment.
  • Conduct skill and income-oriented activities
  • Conduct various programs related to woman, child and handicapped.
  • Promote the skill of Government and Non-Government agencies.
  • Actively participate on save the environment activities.
  • Actively participate on social activities and development endeavor like road, forest, religious and cultural ceremonies, irrigation, toilets, public land, health education, energy development, sports, communication etc.
  • Help and being helped by NGO and INGO in the true spirit of brotherhood.
  • Conduct economic activities for skill promotion and poverty reduction.
  • Conduct various activities in regards with sustainable geo-management.
  • Conduct micro financial programs for capacity building of marginalized women’s groups as well as individuals and poverty reduction.
  • Increase the health service utilization rate through social mobilization.

उत्पादनमा हौसला मिलेको छ

चारतारे युवा क्लव नेपालले पछिल्लो समयम बागलुङ लगायत अन्य जिल्लामा लघुवित्त मार्फत ग्रामिण क्षेत्रका गरेको कार्य सहनिय छ । लक्षित वर्गलाई गाँउ—गाँउ पुगेर वित्तिय क्षेत्रको वारेमा जानकारी गराउदँदैै स्वरोजगार गराउने विषयमा महत्वपुर्ण भुमिका निर्वाह गरेको छ । ग्रामिण क्षेत्रमा रहेका महिलाहरु जो आर्थिक रुपमा विपन्न छन्,उनिहरुले चाहेर पनि ठूला बैङ्क र सहकारीमार्फत ऋण पाउन सक्दैनन् । त्यस्तो समस्यालाई लघुवित्त मार्फत आफ्नै गाँउ घरमा वचत गर्दै आयआर्जनमा लगाउने लघुवित्तको उदेश्य भएकोले सो वर्गका मानिसलाई ठुलो सहयोग पुगेको छ । जसका कारण उनिहरुमा आयआर्जनमा मात्र नभएर क्षमता विकासमा पनि सहयोग पु¥याएको पाएको छु । लघुवित्तले महिलाहरुलाई मात्र नभएर निम्न वर्गमा समुदायलाई समेत समेटेर उत्पादनमा हौसला मिल्नुका साथै कर्जा पाउन समेत समस्या नहुने भएकाले छोटो समयमा नै यसको प्रभाव वढेको छ । संस्थाले अझै लघुवित्त नपुगेको ग्रामिण क्षेत्रमा आफ्नो कार्यक्षेत्र विस्तार गर्न जरुरि छ । राज्यले पनि उत्पादनको क्षेत्र र लघुवित्तलाई प्रर्वधन गर्नका लागि प्रभावकारी नीति ल्याउन जरुरी छ । म संविधान सभाको सदस्य भएको हैसियतले न्युन वर्ग र ग्रामिण क्षेत्रको उत्थान र विकासका लागि सहयोग पुग्ने नीति निर्माणमा सक्रिय रहनेछु,राज्यले गर्ने काम चारतारे युवा क्लव नेपालले गर्दै गएकोमा धन्यवाद संगै प्रगतिको कामना समेत गर्दछु ।